Saturday, November 19, 2016

Fast Frontend Development and HUI Testing with mockyeah

The backend mocking library mockyeah has recently been added new features inspired by WireMock. The library has the big advantage of allowing you to re-use mock data during development for testing.
By mocking the backend there's no immediate need to set up and maintain backend data thus speeding up development.
You can find working sample code here.

Fast frontend development - backend mocking

In order to be independent from a real backend instance during frontend development we'll organize our expected responses and add them to a default setup. We'll then configure our frontend to point to the mockyeah instance, start the mock server with the default setup and we're ready to develop our web application!

Organizing the mock data

Organizing our mock data we'll have later easy access in your test definitions:
// mock-data.js
var usersGet = {
    pattern: /users$/,
    ok: {
        status: 200,
        json: [
                id: 1,
                username: 'user1',
                email: ''
                id: 2,
                username: 'user2',
                email: ''
                id: 3,
                username: 'user3',
                email: ''
    ko: {
        status: 500,
        json: {errorCode: "UnexpectedException"}

Collecting mock data

mockyeah has a record-and-play feature that allows it to run as a proxy and save data you want to mock. Have a look at the library's documentation to find out more.

Define a default setup


var mockyeah = require('mockyeah');
var mockdata = require('./mock_data');

var init_mock = function () {
    mockyeah.get(mockdata.usersGet.pattern, mockdata.usersGet.ok);
    mockyeah.get(mockdata.userGet.pattern, mockdata.userGet.ok);, mockdata.userPost.ok);


exports.init_mock = init_mock;
exports.mockyeah = mockyeah;
exports.mockdata = mockdata;
Now we run node default-setup.js and have a backend available during development.

Hermetic User Interface (HUI) testing

Frontend by itself is a subsystem of your application. HUI tests strive to have more stable and maintainable tests by mocking out any dependency to a service. This means you would normally implement system level tests with Selenium WebDriver or Protractor.

Starting mockyeah for testing

As mockyeah is automatically started as configured in .mockyeah when required, your test suite must simply import your default setup as defined above.
var setup = require('./../default-setup');

describe('Handle users', function () {
    describe('Users view', function () {

Changing mockyeah behaviour during test definition

Simply set the response in the test definition itself. Notice that we re-use the mockyeah exported by the default setup.
describe('Handle users', function () {
    describe('Users view', function () {
        // ...
        it('should load the users list', function () {
            return usersPage.navigateToUsersView().then(function () {
                expect(usersPage.getUserList()).toContain({id: 1, username: 'user1'});

        it('should show the error code if list cannot be loaded', function () {
            return usersPage.navigateToUsersView().then(function () {

Request verification and logging

During test development we'll want to inspect the received requests (the "request journal") when something doesn't come out as expected. We can do this by setting
    output: true,
    journal: true
giving the output
      ✓ should send the correct request
[mockyeah][12:31:46][SERVE][MOUNT][GET] /users$/
[mockyeah][12:31:46][REQUEST][JOURNAL] {
  "callCount": 1,
  "url": "/users",
  "fullUrl": "http://localhost:4001/users",
  "clientIp": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": {
    "host": "localhost:4001",
    "accept": "application/json",
    "connection": "close"
  "query": {},
  "body": {}
[mockyeah][12:31:46][REQUEST][GET] /users (2ms)
If our application code composes a complex request from several sources sometime we find it useful to verify the sent request:
it('should send the correct request', function() {
    return usersPage.navigateToUsersView().then(function () {
        usersPage.enterNewUserDetails("user1", "");
        var expectation =, 
                username: 'user1',
                email: ''
        return usersPage.confirm().then(function () {
The standard configuration of mockyeah will write a standard request log which is very helpful during test development.
[21:59:59] I/local - Selenium standalone server started at
Spec started
[mockyeah][SERVE] Listening at
[mockyeah][REQUEST][GET] /users (2ms)

  Handle users

    Users view
      ✓ should load the users list
[mockyeah][REQUEST][GET] /users (1ms)
      ✓ should show the error code if list cannot be loaded
[mockyeah][REQUEST][GET] /users (1ms)
[mockyeah][REQUEST][POST] /users (1ms)
      ✓ should load user details when created successfully

Executed 3 of 3 specs SUCCESS in 0.062 sec.
[mockyeah][SERVE][EXIT] Goodbye.
[22:00:00] I/local - Shutting down selenium standalone server.
However, for test reporting you might prefer to switch logging of by setting
{ ...
  "output": false,
  "verbose": false
which will give the following less cluttered output.
[21:59:59] I/local - Selenium standalone server started at
Spec started

  Handle users

    Users view
      ✓ should load the users list
      ✓ should show the error code if list cannot be loaded
      ✓ should load user details when created successfully

Executed 3 of 3 specs SUCCESS in 0.062 sec.
[22:00:00] I/local - Shutting down selenium standalone server.

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